
TF2CV: Jordi+Anton Shorts

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Mags98033's avatar

Literature Text

    Medic was glad the Spy had taken his hand.
    Ever since their encounter on the train, Medic had been mildly terrified of the Spy, who seemed to be able to do anything he wanted to, without being killed. It had taken him a while to realize that the Spy had no intention of killing REDs, and when he had, suddenly the Spy seemed even more courageous.
    The Spy was even friends with (some) of Medic's teammates, and accepted Medic into his confidence without question. And though the Spy knew so much more about the small world inside the bases than Medic, he had helped Medic along the way.
    It was nice.


(Translated out of German for your reading pleasure.)
    Dear diary,
    Well, today was my first day at RED Base, where I'll be working as their Medic for the next six months. I rode a train here, with my team's Sniper and Spy. They both seem nice enough.
    Sniper is Australian, and Spy has an accent that I can't quite place, sort of a lisp–but he got really mad when Sniper asked if he was Spanish, so I don't think I'll pry too much into that.
    Right as we were nearing the base, there was a thump and the BLU Spy came in! (We're supposed to be fighting the BLUs.)
    I kind of freaked out then, I'm sorry to say, but Spy and Sniper took care of the intruder. The odd thing was, he said he wasn't there to hurt anyone.
    Spy and Sniper wanted to talk about something then, and I eventually wound up just looking at the Spy. He wasn't bad looking, really, though his mask covered most of his face (but not his large nose).
    Anyway. My teammates seem nice enough. Scout seems a little young to be on the battlefield, Pyro's a bit obsessed with fire, Demoman was drunk so I don't know what he's really like, Soldier (or, as everyone calls him, Solly) is somewhat nuts (something I'll have to look into), Heavy didn't say much of anything, and Engineer ("Engie") was quite welcoming.
    I also have this device called a "medigun", a backpack with a hose and nozzle, which is supposed to heal wounds instantaneously. I haven't tried it out yet, but everyone I asked about it swore that it works, so we'll see, I suppose.
    Since I'm just Medic now, I suppose that's what I'll sign this (and subsequent) entries as.


    As Medic slid further down into the water at the bottom of the pipe, the pain from the burns recently inflicted on him by the BLU Pyro faded slightly.
    He slipped a little lower–in the round pipe, it was easy to–and the pain faded a bit more.
    At least he'd lost the Pyro in the maze of sewers beneath the RED and BLU bases.
    The shotgun wounds hurt too, and the water didn't soothe those.
    This was the first time he'd been seriously injured at RED. He'd treated some rather serious ones so far, but nothing had happened to him. Until this.
    It was rather funny; Medic had figured being a doctor was a very safe profession, from physical harm at least.
    Footsteps splashing through the ankle-deep water brought Medic back to reality. He supposed it was the BLU Pyro, come along to finish the job.
    But, to Medic's surprise, the BLU that appeared was not the Pyro but the Spy.

    Whatever Spy had expected to find, it was definitely not the RED Medic, bloody and burned, slumped against the sewer wall. Pyro's doing.
    The Medic weakly grabbed his bonesaw and pointed it at Spy. Wavering slightly, the bonesaw gradually sunk back to his chest. "Scheiße," he muttered.
    Spy held up his empty hands. "Relax. I'm not 'ere to 'urt you."
    The Medic muttered something unintelligible, scowling.
    " 'Ere, let's get you back to your base," Spy said, walking over next to the Medic and extending his hand.
    The Medic glared at him for a moment before taking Spy's hand.
    When Spy pulled the Medic to his feet, the Medic inhaled sharply and grimaced. Spy gave him a moment before he said, "Lean on me. It'll go faster."
    The Medic looked somewhat suspicious, but after a moment further acquiesced and let Spy help him to the RED side of the sewers. Spy put on the disguise for the RED Pyro before they reached the sewers' exit. The Medic didn't seem to notice.
    On the way through the RED Base, toward the med bay, they attracted a few other REDs (Scout and Demoman), who tagged along. Spy said nothing, and the Scout and Demoman didn't ask any questions.

    When he and the Spy finally made it into RED's med bay, Medic tried to pull himself out of the fog his mind had descended into. (He blamed blood loss and pain.)
    The Spy was still there. He just looked like Pyro.
    Medic sat down heavily on one of the beds. The others were talking, but Medic wasn't listening–something reduced everything around him to meaningless white noise.
    The Spy tapped him on the shoulder and said, his voice the perfect imitation of a Pyro's, "Whtt dhh whh dhh 'btt yrr wnnds? Cnn whh yzz thh mddhgnn?"
    "Nein... it does not vork zhat vay… Just put it somevhere near me. Zhey said it heals its Medic."
    The Spy did as he asked, then, almost imperceptibly, squeezed Medic's hand. "Hh gtthh gtt bkk t' thh swwrrs nww," he said, then left.
    And Medic was left wondering at the significance of the Spy's last gesture.


    "So, remind me again vhy ve ah sitting here having tea," the RED Medic said to the BLU Spy. The two were sitting at a small table on the roof of BLU Base; the table was covered in a white lacy tablecloth, and on it sat a white china teapot and two matching teacups.
    "Ah... I thought it would be a good idea," Spy said.
    Medic nodded sagely and sipped some of his tea.
    "Would you like to do this again sometime?"
    Medic smiled. "Ja, I vould."


    The BLU Spy pulled Medic along into the courtyard on the side of RED Base, then right, into the barn. With no other hiding places nearby, the Spy dove into one of the piles of hay nearby, pulling Medic along with him.
    Mere seconds after they had hidden themselves in the hay, Pyro ran in. He paused, and Medic could imagine him looking around for him and the Spy. "Mthrr ffkrr," Pyro muttered.
    Pyro poked around in the barn for about five minutes. All the while, Medic listened closely. Pyro knocked something to the ground, and the lighter fluid he was carrying sloshed. Medic also noticed that the Spy was still holding his hand.
    "Wll thss skks. Mm gnnhh ghh plyy wthh mhh mttchhs." Pyro's footsteps receded, heading somewhere else into the base. Medic and the Spy waited a few minutes further in case the Pyro was listening, and Medic didn't want to risk giving away their position by extricating his hand from the Spy's.
    They waited for what felt like forever. Medic felt very awkward holding the Spy's hand. It wasn't like that!
    "I think 'e's gone," the Spy said eventually. He stood, relinquishing Medic's hand, and brushed himself off.
    Medic stood as well, brushing hay out of his hair and clothes. He decided not to comment on the hand-holding. "Zhat vas close."
    "Oui." The Spy shook his head, dislodging a few stray bits of straw. Suddenly he froze, grabbed Medic's hand again, and pulled the two into a doorway. Unprepared for the pull, Medic unbalanced and fell on top of the Spy.
    Immensely flustered, Medic jumped up. "Tut mir leid," he said, and was immediately shushed by the Spy.
    "I think I 'eard the Pyro," the Spy whispered. Pillow talk, Medic thought inanely.
    Medic and the Spy hid in the doorway and waited to see if the Pyro would come back, Medic leaning closer to the Spy than he probably needed to.


    BLU's Spy sat casually at a small table with two chairs, legs crossed and fingers laced on the table. The room was bare except for the aforementioned table and chairs, as well as a tangle of electrical equipment in the corner that seemed to include speakers. The room was unconnected to the main part of BLU Base, so as not to disturb the rest of BLU.
    A knock on the door startled Spy. He leaped up and opened the door quickly.
    The RED Medic stood outside, smiling shyly. "Hallo, Spy," he said.
    Spy smiled as well. " 'Ello, Medic," he replied. "Come on in."
    Medic stepped inside and looked around. "Zhis is qvite a set-up you've got here, Spy," he remarked.
    "Ah, Engineer was the one 'oo did most of it. I only 'elped a bit."
    "Did you tell him vhat it vas for?"
    "Non. 'E didn't ask, and I didn't volunteer the information."
    Medic nodded and was quiet for a moment. "You know," he said hesitantly, "I zhink I like you better vizout zhe mask."
    Smiling, Spy pulled off his mask and stuffed it in his pocket.
    "Zhat's better," Medic said.
    The slightly awkward silence that followed was eventually broken by Spy's "So, would you like some music?"
    "Ja, zhat vould be nice."
    Spy walked over to the stereo system and pushed the button Engineer had helpfully labeled 'on'. The CD player started up promptly, playing something of Scout's. Spy had carefully cone through all the CDs he could find in the base until he'd gathered a suitable number of dance songs.
    Once the first CD had been listened to to the end, Spy slipped into the smaller side room to see if he could find another CD and discovered that someone--not him, certainly--had put a small refrigerator and a few blankets next to the stack of CDs. Could Engineer have...?
    Whoever had put the refrigerator there had also stocked it with a dozen or so bottles of Blu Streak beer. Spy grabbed a CD and replaced the previous one. After it had started, Spy went back and grabbed two of the beers.
    When offered one of them, Medic had to raise an eyebrow. "Ah you trying to convert me to BLU, Spy?"
    "Non, it was in the fridge. I didn't know we 'ad a fridge in 'ere, but there it is."
    An hour later, when the number of empty bottles on the table had grown from two to four to six, Spy suggested that they dance together, a suggestion that was taken extremely well by Medic, given the circumstances.
    By dusk there were eight empty bottles on the table and two half-full ones, and Medic didn't really feel like going all the way back to RED Base to sleep.
    Spy remembered the neatly folded blankets in the other room. However, what he had thought were two or three blankets turned out to be only one large one.
    That was not a problem, though; at that time, Spy and Medic were fine with sharing the blanket.


    Spy was sure it was all a dream. The awkwardness, the odd situation, the breakage of of social taboos, and the faint but tempting conviction that it was really real.
    So he decided to just let the dream play out.

    Medic was happy. He was warm, he had a blanket that was less scratchy than his normal one, and someone to share it with.
    But... bed was barely big enough for himself, let alone someone else. Could it just be the wall? No, the wall was on the other side.
    Medic dismissed this conundrum, leaving it for later, when he was less asleep and could figure it out.
    He realized with a touch of disapproval that he had worn his day clothes to bed. All the buckles, zippers, and other hard parts would no doubt leave sore spots.

    Spy noted with growing panic that this dream was staying very logical. Things hadn't changed much, and he hadn't woken up yet...

    The less asleep Medic became, the more he realized that he actually wasn't feeling particularly good; his bed was unusually hard, and he had a nasty headache.
    As he pondered why he would be in this situation, the previous night's events gradually dawned on him.
    This was one of those times when Medic wished he could just temporarily not exist.

    Spy was beginning to revise his previous conviction that he was dreaming. The protracted lack of illogic was putting him on edge, offering the abhorrent prospect of reality.

    Medic decided that it would be best to confront the situation head-on. "Spy?" he whispered.
    "...Oui?" Spy's quiet reply sunk all hope that he was remembering the previous night incorrectly.
    Medic opened his mouth to speak and was cut off by a loud knock on the door. He and Spy froze for a moment before the knock came again, followed by, "Spah? Y'in there?" It was the BLU Engineer.
    "This will not look good," Spy said. " 'Ere, take my watch." He quickly pulled off his invisibility watch and tossed it to Medic.
    "How does--"
    "Middle button. Get out of the way, turn it on, and don't move." Spy paused and continued in a louder voice, "Oui, Engineer? Is that you?"
    "Yeah, me'n Scout."
    Medic and Spy quickly got up, Medic hurrying next to the wall and Spy stepping up to the door. As soon as Medic had activated the cloak, Spy opened the door.
    BLU's Engineer and Scout stood outside. "Hey, Spah. Jes' wanted t'make sure ya were up fer the war," Engineer said.
    Scout pushed into the room, past Engineer, eventually settling on the table with its multitude of beer bottles. "Jeez, man, how much didja drink, Spy?" Scout asked.
    "Those aren't all mine," Spy said. (Technically a true statement.) "I think Demo 'as been in 'ere." (Also technically a true statement.)
Uh, yeah. Lots of ideas from CV commenters somehow turned into this.

Blog version: [link]

TF2 = Valve
CV = :iconkytri:
Ideas = Various people
Stories = Me
© 2010 - 2024 Mags98033
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Chaos2112's avatar
This is cute. I think my favorite part is the first one, where Anton makes the point that Jordi does just about do whatever he wants without getting killed. 'Course, Anton isn't the Medic who has to deal with Jordi getting grievously injured.

The Spy was still there. He just looked like Pyro.

I really like that line for some reason.